Dienstag, 26. Oktober 2010

Montag, 25. Oktober 2010

...ALL THINGS ABSURD ,NON LIENEAR ,NON SENSICAL, IRRATIONAL AND MADLY POETIC REVEAL THE SECRETS OF THE UNCONSCIOUS... like a dream..... my name is steffa and i am a visual artist with 12 years experiance in fashion and styling....i am ready to create....a dream, a illusion, a atmosphere ...to make a hidden beauty awake....so the picture becomes an absolut unique experience ... Ich bin als selbststaendige stylistin/artistin taetig in einer komposition aus dem reiz des neuen dem raetselhaften ,dem besonderen ,dem aussergewoehnlichen , praezision , kreativitaet , flexibilitaet ,belastbarkeit und professionalitaet